EMP Recertification FAQ
What is “recertification” and why is EMA implementing it?
As of 2017, EMA adopted a three-year recertification cycle to comply with ANAB accreditation and DOE Better Buildings requirements, and ensure that EMP certificants remain current with best practices, broaden their understanding, and continue to be recognized as the leading providers of quality energy management for new and existing buildings. To recertify, EMPs must submit a record of continuing education activities to demonstrate compliance with the requirements, pay all required dues and fees.
When is my Certification cycle?/When does my certification expire?
Your certification cycle begins when you first became certified. The end of your cycle is also determined by the date you became certified:
Originally certified between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 OR between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019: cycle ends December 31, 2024.
Originally certified between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 OR between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020: cycle ends December 31, 2025.
Originally certified between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 OR between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021: cycle ends December 31, 2026.
Originally certified between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025 OR between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022: cycle ends December 31, 2027.
Originally certified between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026 OR between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022: cycle ends December 31, 2028.
Where do I submit my Continuing Education activities?
Go to recertification.commissioning.org, and log in using the email address on file with EMA, with the password Commissioning1! (case sensitive). After logging in, select the EMP portion of the portal and follow the prompts and menus.
My login/password information isn’t working, what do I do? How can I find out my login information?
To attain obtain your login information or to reset your password, contact certification@energymgmt.org.
Why do I need to retain documentation?
As per ANAB requirements, the EMA Certification department will randomly audit 10 percent of our certificants each year. Documentation will be requested at that time. You do not need to retain or provide documentation for activities at AABC, ACG or EMA activities, as that is on file. However, you must enter the event information in the Continuing Education section of the portal (see below).
Can I edit my submissions?
You have the ability to delete and resubmit an item that was submitted incorrectly. If you need additional assistance, please contact certification@energymgmt.org.
How do I know what CEUs are acceptable for submission?
The “activity” drop-down menus under Continuing Education and Qualifying Recertification Options describe the broad categories of activities that are acceptable. If you have a question on an item that does not clearly apply to one of these categories, but believe it should be eligible, please contact us at certification@energymgmt.org or call 202-737 1334.
What if I am a CxA, can I use the CEUs submitted for the EMP program too?
Yes, CEUs approved for CxA are also eligible for use in the EMP program if they correspond to an eligible category. (However, because the categories and point system are different you must enter them separately in both portals.)
What is meant by project participation? What kind of documentation should I submit for the project?
Project participation entails your direct involvement with an energy-related project in the commercial sector. As an example, acceptable documentation includes signed correspondence from your employer or project owner describing the project and your role in it; and construction documents you signed verifying work done or completed.
If a project is still ongoing, can I still submit it for points toward my recertification cycle?
Yes, just describe the work you have done on the project and the anticipated completion date.
What is an example of the most common path EMPs will use to recertify? How many points do I need every three years?
While each EMP’s successful recertification profile will be unique there are some basic principles that apply to all.
Sample Path to EMP Recertification
All EMPs must submit a total of 50 CEUs during their recertification cycle. A minimum of 10 with a maximum of 35 must come from the Continuing Education category. A minimum of 15 and a maximum of 40 must come from the Qualifying Recertifications Options category. (Within this category, 10 points and a maximum of 30 points must come from Professional Energy Management Project submissions.)
In the Continuing Education category, you attended two CxEnergy Conferences and attended eight of the technical presentations each year, that would count as 16 total CEUs. You also took a one academic hour graduate course on project management that earned you 10 CEUs. You now have 26 CEUs toward your 50 and have fulfilled requirements in the Continuing Education category.
In the Qualifying Recertifications Options category you submit two energy retrofit projects, worth 10 points each, earning 20 points. You also write an article about one of these projects and submit it to a trade publication which publishes it. That earns you an additional five points. You now have You now have 25 CEUs toward your 50 and have fulfilled requirements in the Continuing Education category.
Added together, that is 26 CEUs in the Continuing Education category and 25 CEUs in the Qualifying Recertifications Options category for a total of 51. Congratulations, you have met the EMP CEU requirement!
What happens if I cannot meet the recertification requirements?
Contact the EMA Certification Department as soon as possible and we will discuss the options to assist you to meet the requirements. Due to ANAB regulations, it is likely that your EMP Certification will be placed on a suspended status during this period.
For more information, please refer to the EMA Handbook.