Transforming Your Building from Brown to Green with FDD and MBCx


Most commercial real estate buildings are privately owned and minimally managed. Achieving and maintaining a well operating building is more than minimizing occupant complaints about temperature. Learn how Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) can be installed on even a minimalist controls system and realize enough savings to pay for the service and more. We will also discuss how we can utilize the system to perform Monitoring Based Commissioning (MBCx) on components after hours so that maintenance staff can shift from being reactive to proactive.

Learning Objectives:

  • Upon leaving this course students will understand what FDD is and what value it provides.

  • Students will know that FDD is another tool at their disposal for managing efficiency in mechanical systems.

  • Students will learn that some software tools can go farther into controls and be used as remote commissioning tools.

  • Students will relate to the balance between the service and the need to take action on the recommendations that the software identifies.

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Feb 21 2023


2:00 pm


  • Kevin Brown
    Kevin Brown
    EMP, President at KBSquared

    Kevin has more than 30 years of experience in developing mechanical retrofit projects focusing on energy conservation and sustainability. He has developed more than $1 Billion in performance contracts in the MUSH (Municipality, University, School, Hospital) and Federal markets all over the United States. He was appointed to ABM’s Expert Advisory Council in 2020 and helped to build ABM’s Enhanced Facility program. He is a board member and technical advisor to several organizations trying to mitigate climate change. In his current role, he assists clients in achieving and sustaining their energy management and decarbonization goals while maintaining excellent indoor environmental quality (IEQ).
    Kevin is an Aerospace Engineer from Auburn University and is proud to serve as Treasurer and board member for the Energy Management Association (EMA). Kevin is also very active in ASHRAE, Chairing TC 2.8 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability and serving on the exam committees for HBDP and CDP as well as several technical and standards committees. He holds the following credentials: PE, EMP, HBDP, CEM, CIAQP, CMVP, LEED AP.