The “Authorities in Certification,” the Energy Management Association, AABC Commissioning Group and Associated Air Balance Council will reinforce their strong relationship with America’s military engineers with a rendezvous at the Society of American Military Engineers’ Virtual Joint Engineer Training Conference (JETC), May 14-29, 2020.

EMA and ACG have been “strategic partners” of SAME for more than three years and EMA offers a 20 percent discount on its Energy Management Professional certification to SAME members.

Virtual JETC is your chance to stay up to speed with all that is happening in the federal A/E/C sector. You will hear from government decision-makers and industry leaders and get a detailed look at how our profession is pivoting to tackle the infrastructure-related national security challenges we are all facing in this unprecedented environment.

Education Tracks for Virtual JETC include:

Architecture and Engineering
Energy and Sustainability
Resilience & National Security
Joint Engineering

Click the registration link below to explore options.

Register for Virtual JETC


Visit our Virtual JETC profile (chat is available Wed. May 27 & Thurs., May 28, 11:00 AM – 04:00 PM).