Thanks to EMA Associate Members!


EMA Associate Membership

EMA Associate Members have limited eligibility for Task Force and Committee openings. Only certified EMPs may be nominated for a Board position.

An attendee from CxEnergy is networking with exhibitor and associate member SkyFoundry.

Associate Member SkyFoundry networks at the CxEnergy Conference & Expo, the premier industry event in commissioning, energy management and building diagnostics.

Questions? .

Partner with Energy Management Professionals

Companies and organizations seeking to partner with energy managers and many allied professionals are invited to become Associate Members of the Energy Management Association. Dues are $750 a year, and include:

Logo and Link on the Front Page of the EMA Site + a Member Listing

3 Banner Ads in Energy Wise Newsletter (15K+ professionals)

Tech Spotlight Feature in Energy Wise Newsletter

20% Discount on Energy Wise Newsletter Ads

10% Discount on EMA Webinar Sponsorships