Benchmarking Law inclusion is Latest in many Recognitions for the EMP Certification

The Energy Management Association’s Energy Management Professional Certification (EMP) has been approved by the Montgomery County, MD Department of Environmental Protection as a credential that qualifies the holder as a “Recognized Data Verifier” in its Building Energy Benchmarking Law.

The ordinance requires that nonresidential buildings located in the County that are 50,000 square feet and greater benchmark the energy use of their buildings annually. To comply with the law, a Recognized Data Verifier must validate and complete the verification of benchmarking data. A Recognized Data Verifier is a professional with a current verification credential that is recognized and approved by the DEP Director.

The EMP Certification is accredited by the American National Standards Institute and recognized by the Department of Energy’s Better Buildings® Workforce program. The Montgomery County designation is the latest in a series of recognitions earned by the EMP credential.

EMP Certification is earned by energy professionals who meet the training and experience criteria outlined in the EMP Candidate Handbook and subsequently pass a rigorous exam that is aligned with DOE Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines “job task analysis” for Building Energy Mangers.

EMA offers a variety of continuing education and  training programs to support EMPs and others in  energy services professions.

EMA is a trade association dedicated to providing education, training and certification in the field of building and facility energy efficiency. Its Energy Management Professional Certification (EMP) has achieved accreditation by ANSI and is a recognized certification by the Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Workforce program. To learn more visit

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