EMA is proud to support the AABC Virtual Annual Meeting, which is open to ACG and EMA members complimentary. With the move to a virtual conference this year, for the first time ever the AABC technical program is accessible to anyone in the industry through a series of test and balance webinars! Contact EMA Headquarters (info@energymgmt.org) for your promo code.

View technical presentations and register for the AABC Annual Meeting here.

This series of technical presentations from industry experts showcases practical information that will help commissioning providers, engineers, and of course TAB professionals understand key equipment/system-, process- and project-level aspects of HVAC testing that will help delivery better results on behalf of the building owner.

Earn up to 8 AIA LUs!

Energy-related presentation:

October 22

New Methods to Verify Proper Functioning of Modern Fume Hood Systems
Thomas C. Smith, 3Flow

Laboratory fume hoods are still the primary means of protecting people working in labs with hazardous airborne materials.  However, fume hood systems are becoming increasingly more complex.  The introduction of new technologies to control and modulate airflow and with new fume hood design features require new and different test methods.  The safety and health of users and the ability to reduce energy consumption may depend on application of appropriate test methods.  The most recent ASHRAE 110 “Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods” was published in 2016.  This presentation will discuss proper techniques for measuring face velocity, evaluating variable air volume flow response and diagnosing problems affecting fume hood containment performance.  New methods under development to simply and reduce the costs of conducting fume hood tracer gas tests will also be discussed.